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Shadoh Punnapuzha is the founder of Taila Skin Care, and mama of two boys. Taïla’s mission is to empower skin’s natural healing process, by using only the purest ingredients to guide your skin into its own unique harmonized and balanced state. With a long line of Ayurvedic knowledge and history in Shadoh's family, she has personally scoured the corners of our world to uncover all components that blend together and make up this exquisite yet effective skincare line. Shadoh is our mama feature this week, as we continue our celebration of World Breastfeeding month... 

What inspired you to start Taïla Skin Care?

My parents were from Kerala, India, where the botanical medicinal science of Ayurveda plays a huge role in daily life. Growing up, it was only natural that it was integrated in my life as well. I never truly appreciated the value of this holistic science until I experienced a bout of cystic acne, hives and eczema due to a reaction from synthetic chemicals in my skincare.  It was then I turned to Ayurveda and that was what healed creating a desire to share this time-honored science with everyone. 

How do you balance motherhood and work-life? Do you have any tips or suggestions for other entrepreneurs or mamas thinking about getting back into the work world?

Lol, not sure I truly am balancing anything! Time is valuable and I plan out my days way in advance so I can anticipate and use my time the best with both my kids and my work. What I find that works for me is to allot time for what I am doing and be present for the task at hand. Also, creating time limits for each particular task. This way I get to do a bit of everything.  For example, in the evening when I am getting the kids ready for bedtime I put away my phone and only focus on them. Everything else has to wait because they are my ultimate focus.  

At the end of it all, it makes me happy that I have my goals, I feel satisfied and challenged and it allows me to be a better mother to my children. Children are resilient and are far more understanding than we think and what they always remember is how much love you give them. There is always mom guilt no matter what you do. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You have to trust that you are doing your best. And have a network, when talking to others you always realize that you are not alone in what you are feeling. 

What do you do in your well-earned downtime for yourself?

I have a 1 year old and a 4 year old, so finding downtime for myself is a bit difficult. Recently I have made a pact to myself to find time to workout. I just listen to my music and get into a zone. Even if it is only half an hour. That time is where I create space for myself and clear my mind. Working out is something I enjoy and helps me to focus and be productive. Without it everything else suffers, work, family life and my brain.

Can you share 3 mama-owned businesses that have inspired your process?

Most that know me do know that I have had the biggest crush on Martha Stewart since my teen years. She worked her way up and began her business with dedication and persistence during a time when women were no where to be seen in the business world. She didn’t have anything handed to her and that makes me admire her even more and made me work toward everything I have. Rebecca Minkoff is a one of my favorite mama-owned business. She is edgy, straight forward and works to build a community to uplift other women. That is extremely important in my book. Another founder that I think has been a source of inspiration is Stella Simona the founder of Haati Chai, she uses her business to be a platform to voice social issues and educate. In this day and age, I think that is our responsibility to do so and she does it with such grace. 

What advice can you give mamas who are struggling to “find their personal meaning” after/during child-rearing?

Motherhood turns your world upside down. It’s easy to no longer make yourself priority because you have this tiny human being that relies on you for everything. You know your limits and priorities and you have to do what you feel comfortable with.  Your “personal meaning” is unique to you and must be done in your own time.

What is your favorite thing about being a mama? 

The smiles. Those smiles can get me through anything.