Randi Zinn is an author, mindfulness and wellness expert and founder of Beyond Mom.
Born from her own experience of motherhood, Beyond Mom is harnessing a movement of women who are taking back their right to self-love, self-care and community as a pathway to fulfillment. We asked Randi to talk a bit more about her own experience of what it means to incorporate all that she touches on her book Going Beyond Mom into her life. Here’s what she had to say…
How did you come up with the concept of “Beyond Mom”?
I lived it! I realized when I became a mom 7 years ago, that a new “me” was born along with my son and even though I kept meeting women experiencing the same shift, I didn’t feel like the conversation had enough air time! It really wasn’t a business model for me, it was a feeling that women needed more. So I started gathering women for events, retreats, and writing about the topics that seemed relevant. That energy eventually snowballed into a brand that women now recognize as a hub for self-care and self-development in the midst of motherhood. It’s been a beautiful journey.
What were you up to before the Beyond Mom platform was born?
I was a yoga instructor about 50% of the time and was involved in my father’s businesses which fell into my hands after his untimely passing in 2005. I was trying to figure out how all of these random and intense experiences would culminate into something I could share with the world and ultimately, it feels like Beyond Mom was that. Wellness, Reinventing of Self, challenge leading to new identities were all themes that came to life for me.
How do wellness and motherhood coexist in your approach to the things you put your energy and efforts towards?
Healthy food and movement are a huge part of my life and have translated to gardening and cooking with my kids, as well as weekly dance parties, athleticism and more. My life practices are not separate from my life as a mother- they are totally inclusive of it.
As a mother of two, how do you find the “work/life balance” in general and/or on a daily basis?
I guess I look at the balance as something that I’m often responding to based on what’s actually going on- its never the same and always in flux. So if one week requires some travel away, the next week requires more mommy time. If one kid got more of attention this week, the other child will have more of me the next. It’s never fixed, never the same, but the beauty is in the movability of it all.
As a writer, are there any go-to practices that keep you inspired for current and future projects?
I make frequent lunch dates and phone conversations with new and interesting women. I’m always inspired by women’s personal and professional stories and those stories get me thinking about what else I might want to write about, talk about on my podcast, or bring to life during a retreat.
Is there another book on the horizon for you? If yes, can you share a little teaser?
There’s definitely another book in there but I haven’t nailed down the theme. It’s something to do with stepping into your rightful role in life, to owning your voice, to being a leader as a woman and mother in this world. But I feel like I have a bit more living to do before the writing flows.
What is the most important message you want mothers and women, alike to understand from Beyond Mom?
That you are worth every moment you give yourself. It’s your human right to feel healthy, happy, and inspired. It goes without saying that your motherhood experience will reap the benefits of that mindset.
Can you tell us the best breastfeeding advice you received as a new mama?
To get support and to know that each experience is unique. From child to child the process can be completely different. My first child brought much more struggle with breastfeeding and the need to supplement but my second child I couldn’t have imagined an easier experience! Minus the thrush during her second week which required an expert lactation consultant!
Any words of wisdom you can share for new mamas?
Slow down and enjoy the experience — it goes by so quickly. Emails will wait. Work will wait, Personal progress is happening during the quiet moments when you might not even realize it. Be present.
Quick! Can you give us 3 things that help keep you sane on a daily basis in regards to motherhood?
1. Headspace app — gets me meditating consistently.
2. Weekly dates with my girlfriends — I need fun to keep me sane!
3. Nightly reading — consistently giving myself new ideas and inspiration